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Bingo Will Never Be The Same

Bingo might be the most unsexy thing on the planet.

Most bingo game are played by kids or seniors, so it doesn’t exactly get people very excited. But one fire department changed that and bringing in some serious cash because of it.

The Hometown Volunteer Fire Company of Hometown, Pennsylvania used bingo nights to raise funds. But they were tired of raising the same amount of funds from the same people every night.

So they changed their bingo nights into” naughty” bingo nights. Instead of giving out cash or gift cards, the fire department is giving out “adult toys” to the winners.

You might think that since Bingo crowds are usually made up of older people that their attendance dropped off, but the exact opposite happened.

Their first event sold so many tickets that it was standing room only, and not only did they have people attend from their own county come who had never come before but they had people come from counties all around them and even New Jersey.

That’s the power of thinking outside the box.

Of course, if it was that easy to come up with something as great as naughty bingo, everyone would do it. Fortunately for you Matt Lloyd came up with a unique system that anyone can join and earn an online fortune with.

It’s called MTTB and it works so well that it earned him $51,373,000 in just 5 years. All MTTB affiliates have to do is place ads on sites like Craigslist and Facebook and let the commissions roll in. No long payment processing, no customer service.

Not too bad right? And you don’t even have to deal with the discomfort of watching your neighbors win adult toys.

If you want to take advantage of MTTB or just learn a little more, click below.



Joseph Smith

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