Monthly Archives: February 2019

Why Most People Fail Miserably At Life

And reactive.

Know the difference?

Proactive person acts in spite of limiting circumstance.

Reactive person waits for the perfect opportunity (which, you guessed it, almost never comes along).

Most people are reactive.

Hint: which is why most people fail miserably at life.

And they realize they should have started 10 years ago when its too late.

In short, it pays to be proactive – literally.

Because if you start now, in a year you’ll be thanking the Universe you did.

If not, in a year, you’ll be kicking yourself for not starting today.

Start now, thanks me later

Talk soon,
Joseph Smith

Best Way To Get Rich For Baby Boomers

Some parents think ahead.

They groom their kids since they’re toddlers.

Like Ayan Qureshi’s dad, who helped his son put together his first computer at age 3 and get Microsoft certified at age 5.

Poor kid.

Daddy must be really paranoid.

Little Avan missed out on childhood.

On the other hand though, he won’t struggle to get a well paying job.

But how many Avans do you know?

How many people know what they want and get “certified” early?

Almost nobody.

For most of us, getting certified and going to school isn’t an option anymore.

It’s just too late for that.

Is there still a way out of the 8 to 6 grind?


Details here

Talk soon,
Joseph Smith